1. The Edyta Chilinska Academy store is run by Edyta Chilińska, running a business under the name Edyta Chilinska Makeup Hairdressing & Henna Services, DED Trader (Professional) license no. 1052883 issued by Goverment of Dubai.
  2. The Seller sells the Product via the Store, while providing the Customer with an electronic service.
  3. The Regulations define the terms and conditions of using the Website as well as the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Customer.
  4. The terms used in the Regulations should be understood as:    
    1. Regulations – these regulations.
    2. Customer – a natural person, legal person or defective legal person, concluding a contract with the Seller for the supply of digital content in the form of a Product available in the Store.
    3. Consumer – a natural person concluding a contract with the Seller not related directly to its business or professional activity.
    4. Entrepreneur – a natural person, legal person or disabled legal person, running a business or professional activity on its own behalf.
    5. Seller – Edyta Chilińska running a business under the name Edyta Chilinska Makeup Hairdressing & Henna Services o numerze licencji DED Trader (Professional) 1052883 wydanej przez urząd w Dubaju
    6. Store (Website) – a website active at Through it, the Customer places an Order, and after its acceptance by the Seller, an agreement is concluded, under which the Customer receives remote access to the purchased Product. 
    7. Product – any audiovisual material made available on the website (digital content, in particular in the form of on-line training)
    8. Agreement – an agreement concluded between the Customer and the Seller for the delivery of the Product (digital content in the form of video), enabling remote access to the ordered Product at the place and time determined by the Customer. Access to the Product is provided to the Customer by making the Product available on a dedicated platform. 
    9. Account – an account created by the Customer on the Website, in which the data entered by the Customer and the history of Orders completed by him are collected, to which the Customer logs in using his e-mail address and set password.
    10. Electronic service – a service provided electronically by the Seller to the Customer via the Website.
    11. Order – the Customer’s declaration of intent submitted via the order form in order to conclude the Agreement.
    12. Cart – part of the Website’s software in which the Product selected by the Customer is visible.
  5. The materials used to present the Products, in particular photos, descriptions, audiovisual materials and other content, are part of the Website, are the property of the Seller and are protected by copyright. It is forbidden to use them for commercial purposes or presentation in any media without the express consent of the Seller.


  1. The condition for placing an Order is entering the data needed to create an Account and accepting the Regulations, with which the Customer should read beforehand.
  2. When placing the Order, the Customer is obliged to provide truthful information that enables the Seller to successfully complete the Order.
    1. To place Orders, use the functionality of the Website, including access to the purchased Products, it is necessary to have: an active e-mail account,
    2. a web browser that takes into account current updates, with JavaScript language support turned on,
    3. enabled cookies in the browser,
    4. Internet access,
    5. installed application that allows reading PDF files,
    6. the ability to play video materials (for the use of Products containing digital content / audiovisual materials).
  3. The operation of the Website requires regular technical monitoring, corrections and maintenance, which may result in temporary and short-term interruptions in operation.
  4. The Seller makes every effort to provide high-quality operation of the Store. The Seller is not responsible for any disruptions resulting from the properties of the Internet network used by the Customer.
  5. The Seller does not cover additional costs related to adapting to the technical requirements enabling the use of the Product, including obtaining appropriate hardware and software.
  6. In order to minimize the risk of undesirable infection of the IT system, it is recommended to install anti-virus software on the computer used by the customer. It is advisable to keep the antivirus program constantly updated.
  7. It is recommended that the Customer has a system firewall enabled on the computer.
  8. Due to the use of electronic services, there is a risk of infecting the IT system with unwanted software, the purpose of which is to cause damage.
  9. In addition to the threats caused by infecting the IT system, hacker attacks are also among the possible threats. The Seller declares that he uses security measures aimed at preventing or hindering breaking into the Customer’s system.
  10. The Seller takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of the Customer. In particular, the Seller takes steps to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data by unauthorized persons.
  11. The Customer is forbidden to use other customer accounts and make his account available to other people.
  12. The Customer declares that before accepting the Order, he has read the main features of the Product, in particular its description.
  13. It is forbidden to use any materials on the Store’s website, including photographs, product descriptions without the consent of the Store expressed in writing.


  1. The Seller sells only through the Website.
  2. By placing an Order, the Customer must register an Account to have access to the purchased Product. Customer registration on the Website allows, in particular, to remember the Customer’s personal data and the history of their Orders in the Website database, and also enables remote access to the purchased digital content (Products).
  3. By completing the registration form, the Customer is required to provide correct personal data, e-mail address, contact telephone number, exact address of residence. The provided e-mail address and contact telephone number may only be used for contact in the process of order fulfillment, unless the Customer agrees to contact for other purposes (e.g. newsletter).
  4. Orders can be placed using the form available on the Store’s website.
  5. In order to place an Order, the Customer, also acting in accordance with the instructions that will appear on his screen, in the following order:
    1. selects a Product available in the Store;
    2. adds the Product to the Cart;
    3. fills in the Order form, providing the required data enabling the Customer’s identification, as well as the data necessary for the effective use of the ordered Product and the generation of an invoice;
    4. declares that he has read the Regulations and accepts its provisions;
    5. proceeds to pay for the Order by selecting the payment method;
    6. by pressing the icon with the command “Order and pay”, the Customer places an Order.
  6. The Product price visible on the Store’s website is expressed in Polish zlotys and is gross (including VAT).
  7. The owner reserves the right to change the prices of Products on the Website, introduce new Products to the Website, carry out and cancel promotional campaigns on the Website, use unique promotional codes available outside the Website. The above right does not affect the prices of Products in orders placed before the effective date of the price change or promotional campaigns. The price given for each Product is binding at the time of placing the order.
  8. After making the payment, the Seller will send an e-mail to the Customer confirming receipt of the appropriate amount for the ordered Product and information on the method of delivery of the Product. At this moment, the Agreement is considered concluded.


  1. The order is processed on the first business day after the amount constituting the price of the Product is credited to the Seller’s bank account.
  2. The Customer receives access to the Product on a dedicated platform by sending the data enabling logging into the platform by the Seller to the e-mail address indicated in the Order.
  3. Access to the Product will be possible for 31 days, unless the terms of access to the Product set out in the content of the Website indicate otherwise and / or unless the Seller is obliged to block access to a given Product earlier for legal reasons.


  1. The Seller provides services to the Customer by electronic means, enabling, in particular, the conclusion of a contract with the Seller for the supply of digital content in the form of a Product, as well as the maintenance of the Account on the Website.
  2. The Customer may at any time cancel the Account he set up by informing the Seller about this fact by e-mail.
  3. The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if the Customer violates the Regulations. In this case, the contract expires immediately after the Seller submits a declaration of will to the Customer about its termination by e-mail.
  4. The Service Recipient is prohibited from providing illegal content.


  1. All prices presented on the Website are gross prices, expressed in Polish zlotys, including the tax on goods and services (VAT), specified in separate regulations.
    The website provides the following types of payments:
    1. Stripe
  2. The customer places the order at the prices in force at the time of placing the order.
    The website reserves the right to change prices. This provision does not apply to orders already in progress


  1.  A Customer who is a Consumer who has concluded a Sales Agreement may withdraw from it within 14 days without giving any reason.
  2. The right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement is not granted to the Customer who is a Consumer in relation to contracts in which the Goods are Digital Content not delivered on a durable medium, such as: online training, online hairstyle course, etc.


  1. The products in the Store are free from defects.
  2. The seller is liable to the customer if the product sold has a defect.
  3. Details regarding the Seller’s warranty for defects are governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.
  4. If it turns out that the sold Product has a physical or legal defect, the Customer may submit a complaint, which should be sent by e-mail to the Seller’s address, i.e. [email protected]
  5. The complaint should contain the necessary data, i.e. customer identification data, the subject of the complaint and the customer’s request. If the Customer’s complaint turns out to be incomplete, the Seller will call the Customer to complete the complaint under pain of leaving the complaint unrecognized.
  6. The Seller will refer to the complaint submitted by the Customer within 14 days from the date of delivery of the complaint. Information on the consideration of the complaint and its result will be provided by the Seller to the Customer to the e-mail address provided in the complaint.


  1. The seller agrees to submit any disputes through mediation. Details will be determined by the parties to the conflict.
  2. The Customer who is a Consumer has the option of using extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. Among other things, the consumer has the option to:
    1. to apply to a permanent amicable consumer court with a request to settle the dispute arising from the concluded sales contract;
    2. ask the Provincial Inspector of the Trade Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings for the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Customer and the Seller;
    3. use the help of a poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection;
  3. More detailed information on out-of-court complaint and redress procedures can be found on the website .


  1. The seller may in the future issue a newsletter, which includes, inter alia, information on new Products and offers. The newsletter is sent only to customers who have expressed their willingness to receive it. The customer may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
  2. Detailed rules regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies can be found in the Privacy Policy.


  1. The Service Provider is only entitled to proprietary copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the Materials as a whole or their individual parts, regardless of their nature and form, unless explicitly stated otherwise on the Website.
  2. Copying, duplicating, public sharing and any other use of the Materials in whole or in individual parts, in particular in educational or commercial activities, without the prior consent of the Service Provider, is prohibited, except for the permitted use provided for in pr. aut.


  1. If it turns out that any provision of the Regulations is inconsistent with applicable law, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply in place of the challenged provision of the Regulations.
  2. In matters not covered by the Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law will apply, in particular the Civil Code, the Act on consumer rights or other laws applicable to the operation and functioning of the Store.
  3. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations, which enter into force on the day of their publication on the Store’s website. The Regulations in force on the date of conclusion of the agreement shall apply to Agreements that have been concluded prior to making changes.
  4. The Regulations are valid from May 01 2022.