About Us

1. About me


My name is Edyta Chilinska and I am a wedding hairstylist. Styling the hair has been present in my life from an early age. Over time, it turned into a hobby and then a dream job. But at first, it was difficult for me to find my place in the world of hairdressing.

I finished the course, hairdressing school, and … I felt that normal hairdressing is not for me. I have tried working in salons many times. I tried to find my place, but… I couldn’t cope. Do you know these constantly appearing thoughts that this is not your place? That you want something different?

I did. I tried to fit in, but my heart was drawn to styling. Styling non-standard, clean, close to art. This is how I approach my work because I don’t want to be an ordinary service provider. I want to give my clients joy, I want to see sparkles of happiness in their eyes, which will strengthen them on this most beautiful day. And that’s how it happened. The interest in my services has exceeded my wildest expectations. The calendar, a day after opening the season, was fully booked for a year ahead. Artistic hairstyling has become not only my passion but also the way of life.

Now I want to share this knowledge with other stylists. The ones who may now be where I have been, feeling that standard hairdressing is not for them. But also those who want to expand their skills and services.

Edyta Chilinska

Founder, stylist

2. Online Academy

The second part of my profession is teaching, thanks to which the students develop their hairstyling wings under my supervision. I am always very happy when they talk about their development or satisfied clients because their successes are my successes. I have already trained over 200 people not only from Poland but also from the Czech Republic, France, Ukraine, and UK. 


Online training is my answer to the needs of students. Thanks to them, you will learn how to create hairstyles, which are small pieces of art. 



During the course, I will tell you:




what products, equipment, and accessories are necessary at work,



how to prepare the hair for styling to get an amazing effect,



what technique to use and how to arrange your hands and fingers so that even the most unruly hair is in its place,



how to keep the right proportions,



how to keep your hairstyle clean and thus avoid bad-looking hair, stuck with hairspray and sticking out.

After the course, you will come out with practical knowledge, but also a huge motivation to develop and find your own way in hairstyling. I hope you will find the soul of the artist you are!

By putting your knowledge into practice, you will delight your clients with a non-standard approach to styling hairstyles, and you will conjure up elegant and beautiful hairstyles from their hair.

It is not only a hairstyle
it is an art

Why us?

Every woman, especially the bride, wants to feel special, and unique, so the hairstyle should also be like that!

Our teaching philosophy is based on creating hairstyle elements that we creatively combine. Our main goal is to provide knowledge so that everyone can find the artist’s soul and make hairstyles in their own original way and create their own compositions using the rules, tips, and techniques presented in the film.