
Individual masterclass is the perfect way to learn the secrets of styling. The instructor’s entire attention is focused on you, which allows you to refine the smallest detail of the hairstyle.

A bit of theory

Each masterclass, regardless of the chosen topic, begins with the theoretical introduction and discussion of the basic principles of creating a hairstyle and maintaining the right proportions, i.e. what is the most important in the hairstyle!


The practical part begins with a thorough discussion of the products used and preparation of the hair for styling, because preparation is essential!

Hand movement is an indispensable part of the technique and must be performed precisely. So we have broken down these movements so that everyone can understand them and, more importantly, repeat them at home!

Hairstyles are usually made up of repetitive elements that can be done in hundreds of ways. Our goal is to show these elements and teach you how to start creating them creatively.

During the training, we do 2-3 full hairstyles, although usually it is a ready base for a whole lot of others. The instructor shows each step carefully, then the student does it. We provide all necessary products, accessories and decorations for the training. We work on the best quality training heads or models.